The National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), known
between 1901–1988 as the National Bureau of Standards (NBS),
is a non-regulatory agency of the United States Department of
Commerce’s Technology Administration. The institute's mission
is to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness
by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology
in ways that enhance economic security and improve quality of
life. |
As part of this mission, NIST
scientists and engineers continually refine the science of measurement,
making possible the ultra precise engineering and manufacturing
required for today’s most advanced technologies. They also
are directly involved in standards development and testing done
by the private sector and government agencies. U.S. technological
innovation and progress depend on NIST'S
unique skills and capabilities, especially in four key areas:
biotechnology, nanotechnology, information technology and advanced
had an operating budget for fiscal year 2006 (October 1, 2005-September
30, 2006) of about $930 million. NIST
employs about 2,800 scientists, engineers, technicians, and
support and administrative personnel. About 1,800 NIST
associates (guest researchers and engineers from American companies
and foreign nations) complement the staff. In addition, NIST
partners with 1,400 manufacturing specialists and staff at nearly
350 affiliated centers around the country. |
Facilities |
headquarters are in Gaithersburg, Maryland. It also has laboratories
in Boulder, Colorado. NIST
has four major programs through which it helps U.S. industry:
the NIST Laboratories (physics,
information technology, chemical science and technology, electronics
and electrical engineering, materials science and engineering,
manufacturing engineering, and building and fire research);
the Hollings Manufacturing Extension Partnership (HMEP), a nationwide
network of centers to assist small manufacturers; the Advanced
Technology Program (ATP), a grant program where NIST
and industry partners cost share the early-stage development
of innovative but high-risk technologies; and the Malcolm Baldrige
National Quality Award program, the nation's highest award for
performance and business excellence. NIST'S
Boulder laboratories are best known for NIST-F1,
one of the world's two most accurate atomic clocks. (The other
is in Paris, France). NIST-F1
serves as the source of the nation's official time. From its
precise measurement of the natural resonance frequency of cesium—which
is used to define the second—NIST
broadcasts time signals via longwave radio station WWVB at Fort
Collins, Colorado, and shortwave radio stations WWV and WWVH,
located at Fort Collins, Colorado and Kekaha, Hawaii, respectively.
manages some of the world’s most specialized measurement
facilities—including a cost effective NIST
Center for Neutron Research (NCNR) user facility where cutting
edge research is done on new and improved materials, advanced
fuel cells, and biotechnology. NIST'S
Advanced Measurement Laboratory (AML) is among the most technically
advanced research facilities of its kind in the world. The AML
offers American researchers opportunities to make the most sensitive
and reliable measurements. This is important as new technologies
become more complex and smaller. Based in the AML is the Center
for Nanoscale Science and Technology (CNST). The CNST's prime
objective is to lay the technical groundwork necessary to translate
nanotechnology’s many anticipated offerings into practical
realities—manufacturability, market-ready products. To
accomplish this goal, the center leverages and combines the
diverse knowledge and capabilities of NIST,
industry, academia, and other government agencies to support
all phases of nanotechnology development. The CNST features
a Nanofabrication (Nanofab) Facility. CNST's “clean room”
is equipped with an array of state-of-the-art tools for making,
testing, and characterizing prototype nanoscale devices and
materials. These instruments will be available to collaborators
and outside users through a proposal process. |
Measurements and Standards
As part of its mission, NIST
supplies industry, academia, government and other users with
over 1,300 Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) of the highest
quality and metrological value. These artifacts are certified
as having specific characteristics or component content, making
them valuable as calibration standards for measuring equipment
and procedures, quality control benchmarks for industrial processes,
and experimental control samples for all kinds of laboratories.
For example, NIST SRMs for
the food manufacturing sector include:
Typical Diet (SRM 1548a, $624)
Non-Fat Milk Powder (SRM 1549, $318, 100 g)
Oyster Tissue (SRM 1566b, $540, 25 g)
Wheat Flour (SRM 1567a, $418, 80 g)
Rice Flour (SRM 1568a, $390, 80 g)
Bovine Liver (SRM 1577b, $261, 50 g)
Tomato Leaves (SRM 1573A, $332.00, 50 g)
Natural Water (SRM 1640, $198.00, 250 mL)
Peanut butter (SRM 2387, $501, three 6 oz (170 g) jars) |
Homeland security
is currently developing government-wide identification card
standards for federal employees and contractors to prevent unauthorized
persons from gaining access to government buildings and computer
systems. Collapse of the World Trade Center in 2002 the National
Construction Safety Team Act mandated NIST
to conduct an investigation into the collapse of the World Trade
Center, as well as the 47-story 7 World Trade Center.
The investigation covered three aspects,
including a technical building and fire safety investigation
to study the factors contributing to the probable cause of
the collapses of the WTC Towers (WTC 1 and 2) and WTC 7. NIST
also established a research and development program to provide
the technical basis for improved building and fire codes,
standards, and practices, and dissemination and technical
assistance program to engage leaders of the construction and
building community in implementing proposed changes to practices,
standards and codes. NIST
also is providing practical guidance and tools to better prepare
facility owners, contractors, architects, engineers, emergency
responders, and regulatory authorities to respond to future
disasters. The investigation portion of the response plan
is scheduled to be completed early in 2007 with the release
of the final report on 7 World Trade Center. The final report
on the WTC Towers -- including 30 recommendations for improving
building and occupant safety -- was released on October 26,
Election technology
works in conjunction with the Technical Guidelines Development
Committee of the Election Assistance Commission to develop the
Voluntary Voting System Guidelines for voting machines and other
election technology. |
Further information |
Three researchers at NIST
have been awarded Nobel Prizes for their work in physics, William
D. Phillips in 1997, Eric A. Cornell in 2001 and John L. Hall
in 2005. Other notable people who have worked at NIST
include; Lyman James Briggs, John W. Cahn, Keith Codling, Ronald
Colle, Hugh L. Dryden, Ugo Fano, Douglas Hartree, Cornelius
Lanczos, Theodore Madey, Frank W. J. Olver, Ward Plummer, Jacob
Rabinow, Bobby Lax, Bill Stone. |
Source: (www.en.wikipedia.org)
2007 |